CRU - Associate Strategic Roofing Products - Roof Condition Analysis & Maintenance Course: January 10, 2023
A comprehensive review of how to perform a roof condition analysis (RCA) and rood maintenance for registered CRU Journey-persons.
Weekly CRU Course Notice
$75.00 Per CRU Registered Journeyman
December 13, 2022
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
211 Lathrop Way Sacramento - Suite G
The October 3rd golf outing celebrated the IRCC’s 36th year of operation and was the most well-attended in its history with 136 registered golfers, enjoying mid-eighty-degree weather and gentle winds.
Training Cycle through may 30
Introducing the IRCC/CRU's Online Training Training Sign-Up and Scheduling Resource For Subscribing Contractors for Advanced Journey-Level Safety; Crew Leadership & For Advanced Safety Crew Leadership & Collaborative (Associate Training Partners) Technical Installation Certification Course
128 Registered Golfers: One Week Notice & GOLF Tourney Agenda - Registration, Cash Prize Contests - Breakfast Burritos/Lunch Boxes & Tri-Tip Banquet Details!
Helicopter Ball Drop - $500 Cash Prize
Initial Major Sponsor Recognition Update - September 16
Recognition & Thank-You
To Our 2022 Major Sponsors
Initial Major Sponsor Recognition Update
Recognition & Thank-You
To Our 2022 Initial Major Sponsors
As of September 2, 2022 (So Far)
The IRCC Board of Directors wishes to thank the Associate Members and Contractor Members who have stepped up to support this year’s October 3, 2022 Golf Tournament & Fundraiser for the IRCC’s continuing education program and Journeyman Leadership and ‘technical certification program’: The California Roofer University. These funds are used by the IRCC Training Trust exclusively to supplement Instructor/Trainer Development through recognized Train-the Trainer Resources, such as the NCCER Crew Leadership Program, NRCA “Qualified Trainer” Certification and collaboration with associate, technical experts.
IRCC Classic Golf Extravaganza & Fund RaiseR
Early-Bird Deadline for October 3, 2022 event is September 15th:
We are starting to fill-up, and we strongly urge our contractors to represent your companies as part of this growing alliance of contractors and associates committed to roofing industry driven 'collaboration' in education for crew leaders and Journeymen. Let's stand behind our Major Event Sponsors, by showing up in force.
ABC Supply Hayward - Provides 1st Rate Venue For CRU Journey-Level Training
ABC Supply Hayward Hosts Saturday, May 20, 2022 CRU Competent Person Fall Protection for Two Bay Area Contractors' Crew Leaders
Ray of Sunshine? Perhaps
Last month I noted a troubling trend for public works in California that required PLAs to qualify for State funding. In August we saw mixed results.
IRCC Unveils New Residential Chapter
At it's June 1, 2022 quarterly meeting, the IRCC Board of Directors voted to green light a motion by Board member Ward Howes, (and seconded by Chair Pete Scudder) to move forward on the implementation of a 'IRCC Residential Chapter" so long as it could be established for a separate training purpose, funded through a separate business account, and operating exclusively on the new chapter's dues revenues (to include, also, separate donations, exclusive, "named 'Residential Chapter' purpose grants, etc.) and wholly external, from either the IRCC Apprenticeship Program or the CRU continuing education component, which operates under the Federal constraints of ERISA, and the IRCC Training Trust.
Competent journey-person fall protection workshop
August 20, 2022 (Saturday) 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
$320.00 - Per Registered Journeyman (Include Subscriber Contractor Mgr.)
ABC Roofing Supply Yard & Warehouse (Map Link)
2024 National Avenue - Hayward, CA 94545
Please arrive at 5 minutes early for Sign-in
Heat Illness Prevention/Worker Protection from Wildfire Smoke
TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2022 - 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
Location: Online via Zoom (link will be sent upon receipt of payment)
Cost: $35 per person (includes a certificate of training)
Tracking the bear
State's Prevailing Legislation Bends "Orwellian" as New DLSE Enforcement 'Waiver' Now Proposed as Boiler Plate for Those Who Sign Union Bargaining Agreements; and Even Clause for Union Signatory Employer To Be Titled "Safe Contractor" While W/C and GL Losses Yield an "Alternate Reality"
(Video Streaming Attached) Places were set, and paid registrations in hand for a stronger head count than actually showed up, at last week's important announcement and CRU preview of the collaborative training alliance of key associate members and the IRCC's training administration along with its current and Board of Directors.